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- This material was downloaded from People Link (plink). Below is a copy
- of the info from the plink file area.
- -Fred ><>
- 3-Aug-91
- -----
- AMIGA ZONE Sec: 10
- Name : OMEGA150.LZH Num: 27,776
- By: SKEEVE Date: 4/26/91 22:40
- Bytes: 381,696 Downloads: 35
- Binary!
- -----
- Introduction.
- So what is Omega? Is it a greek opera quiz, the final frontier or a
- frogtoaster? No! It's life...Hmmm...life?
- Omega is a dungeon/adventure simulation game, that sets you in the
- role as the hero. It is very similar to the former games Moria, Nethack,
- Rogue, Larn etc, just a tad more complicated...The gamesystem creates a
- whole world around the player. There are several cities and dungeons, a
- parthenon representing the two alignment sides Law and Chaos with The Druids
- in between, lot's of guilds that all can be joined (though some exclude others)
- plus different shops and service-centres in the cities.
- The graphics is Ultima-like, but in HIRES...! If you are confused
- about the designation of one of the images, use the 'x' command. Besides
- the 'W' command brings up an additional output window, which gives a tandem
- perspective.
- Object of the game.
- The main goal is to get on the hi-score list. There is several entrances
- on it. One for each guilds, one for each religion, one for each end of the
- alignment scala, and finally the hiscorer.
- You can also choose just to play for completing all the quests, that
- either your guild leader(s) sets for you, and/or follow what the oracle
- advises you to do. But remember it's not a need to be a member of any guild,
- it's just very very convenient!
- What is needed to run the game.
- The first thing you must do is to check the uncompressed files you get
- when using 'lharc -x -r e <filename>' to see if they all are complete. The
- list in 'This_Directory' should help you with that task.
- Second Before running the game the first time, you must copy the
- library-fileiff.library to your libs: directory, otherwise you won't see the pictures.
- Next make sure, that the configuration file is set up to fit your system.
- Each time you run Omega you should set the stack to at least 15000 in the
- shell environment from where you wish to run Omega, i.e. if you intend to
- start it from the workbench, it must also have a stack-size of 15000...
- The game is very large...so you must be in possession of a 1meg Amiga or
- larger, plus a mouse plugged in. I'm not sure of whether the program runs
- in a 2.0 environment or not, some rumours says no, others yes, so use 1.3
- if possible.
- If you only got 1M, your life will be tough...First you won't be able to
- load the pictures, second the load of special sites will be VERY slow, since
- it is not possible to use the ramdisk :( Especially the Rampart city will
- take ages to fetch and what noise it makes! You should also switch off your
- second drive to save any memory, plus use fastmemfirst. Omega is a large
- and greedy program, so remember to check the memory amount often.
- - Yours sincerely
- Klavs Torben Pedersen
- Grxnjordskollegiet v.3404
- DK-2300 Copenhagen S
- Denmark
- tlf 31- 58 34 69